The Most Beautiful Thing in the World
Two years ago, I wouldn’t have even entertained the idea of taking half-naked photos. To be honest, it made me uncomfortable just seeing myself in the mirror in my underwear, let alone immortalizing it in a photo forever.
But two weeks ago, I stripped down in front of a camera and did the scariest, most empowering thing I’ve ever done and took boudoir photos. Not because my body is perfect, but because I’m learning to love it exactly as it is.
I’m absolutely not perfect at embracing myself. None of us are. But I’m committed to working on it daily, and that’s really what this self-love and health journey is all about.
The most beautiful thing in the world is not a flawless body. It’s a person who unapologetically embraces themself with confidence, gratitude, and grace, regardless of their flaws.
I’m learning to uncage myself from my insecurities, to fully appreciate life and the gift that is this perfectly imperfect body.
My cellulite, stretch marks, loose skin, scars, and varicose veins are not to be ashamed of. They are a part of me, they make me human. They are NORMAL.
I’m proud of this body. It has carried me through the good times and the hard times, 125 pounds heavier and now, and even when I didn’t show it the love and respect it deserved. I choose to honor this body and every mark that signifies the beautiful life it’s helped me live.
Photo by Two Arrows Photography
Photo by Two Arrows Photography
The world doesn’t get to decide whether or not we’re worthy of experiencing life to its fullest, only WE get to do that.
I wish I knew that sooner. I wish I didn’t hide beneath layers of clothes and self-shame. I wish I didn’t lie about not wanting to go to the lake or the beach because I was scared of being exposed. I wish I didn’t think my worth was dependent on a number on the scale. I wish I knew that self-love didn’t come ONCE I was “acceptable,“ but it was available all along.
I went on the vacation. I wore the bathing suit. I took the pictures. It was scary, it was intimidating, but this life is so gosh damn worth it.
You don’t have to wait until you’re a certain size, shape, or complexion to fully accept and embrace yourself. You get to love yourself right now, as you are, while still striving each day to be one baby step closer to your future, best self.
I am beautiful. I am worthy. I am enough.
Stop hiding, start living.
P.S. Here are some bloopers for your viewing pleasure, you’re welcome. Shoutout to all the swimsuit models out there, it’s a lot harder than it looks, folks!
Photos by Two Arrows Photography