How do I build self-confidence? Will losing weight finally make me happy? How do I break free of self-shame and diet culture? What does self-love even mean? How do I create a lifestyle I actually love and pursue the dreams on my heart?
Welcome to Climbing with Coach Kiah, a podcast where we dive deep to answer these questions and more!
Tune in for honest and open conversations with host Kiah Twisselman Burchett and featured guests to chat about mindset, health, self-love, body image, chasing your dreams, and so much more.
Make sure to hit subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss out on future episodes. If you like what you heard, take a moment to leave a 5-star review! Your feedback is truly appreciated.
Episode 117: The Elephant in the Room: Weight Gain and a Podcast Pause
In this episode, we chat about:
An amazing speaking opportunity + retreat I was able to experience in Mexico
Thinking about your inner child/the little girl version of yourself, and what she would love about you now as an adult woman
Random messages from strangers on the internet that make all of your insecurities and negative beliefs come flooding back in
Why we MUST have radical self acceptance and self compassion so we won’t be easily hurt and brought down by the outside world
How I’ve continued to evolve as a business owner and person over the last few years
My difficult decision to pause the podcast, and what’s coming up in my next season
Episode 116: Follow Your Fire with Celebrity Chef Waylynn Lucas
In this episode, we chat about:
Waylynn’s life plans that
originally led her away from the ag and western lifestyle
Why it’s okay to try everything and figure out what actually sets your soul on fire
How valuable a strong work ethic can be
Pivotal life lessons that pushed Waylynn to ‘keep suiting up and showing up’, and sharing with others
Understanding when it’s time to let something go and make a necessary shift in your life
What’s next for Waylynn as she steps back into the western industry in this season of life
Navigating the new journey of motherhood and career as a single mom, and finding a balance between the two
Episode 115: Tiny Habits, Big Results with Emily Reuschel
In this episode about tiny habits, big results, we will cover:
Why you don’t need to wait until the new year to start creating new habits and practicing intentionality
Knowing your current habits that are already in place, and understanding how they’re serving you (and how they’re not)
Why small, healthy habits lead to MORE small, healthy habits
The dangerous trap of comparing yourself to what you were like in previous seasons of life
Taking time to imagine the future version of yourself, and how you can embody that today
Learning to give yourself grace and embracing progress over perfection
My personal habits I’m committing to for the next 32 days
Kiah’s six habits she is committing to for the next 82 days
Practicing intentionality and mindfulness in a way that cares for your mental, emotional, AND physical health
How Emily’s upcoming Ascend retreat can help you kickstart 2024 and really transform your life in a powerful way
Episode 114: Money Mindset with Sheila Hansen
In this episode, we chat about:
Different facets of money mindset and where they come from
How to foster a healthier money mindset
Scarcity mindset and the limits we put on ourselves
How so much of our money mindset is instilled in us in how we were raised
How to grow together with your spouse towards your financials goals while having different perspectives
Understanding cash flow and the importance of it
How our thoughts about money create feelings that lead to the actions we take or don't take
Episode 113: When Kids & Adults are A**holes: Body Comments & How to Handle Them
In this episode, we chat about:
Why others make comments and why it can be harmful
How to respond when adults and/or kids make comments that hurt
To be compassionately curious about your defensiveness and ask yourself what is illuminating about YOU?
The importance of self-acceptance and self-confidence
A reminder that our opinions of ourselves are the most important opinion of all
Episode 112: Conquering Fears & Agriculture Advocacy with Anna Genasci
In this episode, we chat about:
What Farm Bureau Foodies is and the power of connecting the producer and the consumer
Finding confidence and conquering our fears
Body image and our relationship with food
Focusing more on how we FEEL rather than the number on the scale
How imposter syndrome can steal the joy from our passions
Episode 111: Be Brave with Your Words
In this episode, we chat about:
You aren’t alone in your people pleasing ways
The more we internalize our feelings, the scarier they feel and the harder they are to manage
Keeping your emotions and feelings bottled up doesn’t serve you or others
The power of journaling
Episode 110: Chase an Authentic Life with Corey Ciocchetti
In this episode, we chat about:
How money, our appearance, good grades, fancy cars, etc. are not inherently bad, but they can become bad if they define us
What an authentic life means
An explanation of values-based leadership
How business ethics go hand-in-hand with our personal ethics and our personal character
Some challenging questions to personally reflect on with compassionate curiosity
Episode 109: envy is a teacher
In this episode, I chat about:
The difference between envy and jealousy
The reminder that social media doesn’t show the whole story of someone’s life
How envy can be a guiding light for the things we want in our life
Celebrating those that you envy
Episode 108: Too Many Damn Dreams with Natasha McCann
In this episode, Too Many Damn Dreams with Natasha McCann, we chat about:
How her accident drove her to this new passion of helping others in similar situations she was in
The power of looking at wellness and your body as a whole
Ignoring those who want to squash our dreams and keep us small
The power of persistence and not taking no for an answer
Episode 107: Small But Mighty Acts of Self-Love
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Rules I made for myself in the past of how to dress
Having lists of conditions of our own self-acceptance
How to combat past conditioned shame that might still creep up
Celebrating the small wins and the baby steps that you’re taking today
Empower women in the baby steps they are taking to love themselves
Episode 106: Rancher Turned Start-Up Founder with Jessie Jarvis
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Family heritage and being involved in a multigenerational ranching operation
Jessie’s origin story and how she started an ag start-up tech company
Building businesses with the future in mind
Stepping into courage and confidence to see a new idea to fruition
The balance of having the knowledge so you can make educated decisions but also outsourcing to others who are the experts and will save you time
The power of soft skills
Episode 105: 5 Ways to Embrace JOMO (the Joy of Missing Out)
I’m going to share 5 ways to embrace JOMO, better known as, the Joy of Missing Out. This episode will encourage people who suffer from FOMO to embrace more JOY in their lives and root themselves in the present moment.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The 5 ways to embrace JOMO in your own life
The impact that social media comparison has had on us
Tips on how to get present and root yourself in gratitude
Episode 104: Making Brand Magic with Hillary Weiss Presswood
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What got you to this point, won’t get you to the next point
An approach on how to discover what your secret sauce is
Owning who you are and not “what people want”
The power of your personal brand and showing up consistently
Constantly accessing your energy and who is taking your energy vs. who is giving you energy
Having a successful brand whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert
Episode 103: Summer of Self-Love
Summer used to be my LEAST favorite season, but it didn’t have to be. What would it feel like to find JOY in this season? What would it feel like to cultivate more confidence than ever this summer? To nurture your happiest, healthiest self? I’m diving into all of the above in today’s episode!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Embracing the body and season of life that you’re in right now
The value of rooting yourself in gratitude amidst whatever season you’re in
How each precious moment is limited - don’t let negative thoughts steal them away
Summer of Self Love Virtual Shindig!!
Episode 102: mindset matters with calli thorne
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Striving for harmony not balance when it comes to juggling all of life’s roles and responsibilities
The concept of an “idea parking lot”
Making the season you’re in right now enjoyable and fun, not just waiting for the next season
Deciphering the difference between burnout and hard work
Tools to help implement mindset shifts
What mental health first aid is and how to learn more
Episode 101: Mid-Year Check-In: Are You Climbing the Right Mountain?
We typically think about setting goals and casting big visions for our lives and our careers at the beginning of a new year, but I think it’s important that we make time throughout the year to check-in with ourselves, check in on our progress, and reevaluate if we’re still going in the right direction or even climbing the right mountain.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Assessing the areas in your life where you feel like you’re thriving vs. falling short
How is your progress on your goals and do your goals still align with the person you want to become?
If you didn’t set goals for yourself at the beginning of the year, what might your goals look like for the remainder of the year?
Guidepost check-in
You are already manifesting everything in your life, you might as well intentionally curate the life you want
The impact vision boards have made on my life
Episode 100: 100th Episode Special Guest! Meet My Better Half Brent
In this episode, I have the joy of welcoming a long awaited guest, my very own husband, Brent Burchett! When I first started this podcast about two years ago, I asked Brent to be a guest on the podcast and much to my dismay, he said no! He then agreed that if I made it to 100 episodes, then he’d be a guest on the show. So here we are! 100 episodes into the Climbing with Coach Kiah podcast and he kept his word.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The story of how we met
How our past business of Burley & Barley came about
How bourbon is made, how to read labels, and some tips on choosing a good one
Some insight on Ag Lobbying
Differences between CA agriculture and KY agriculture
A few questions that my community asked
The thing we fight about most in our relationship
Episode 99: Europe Recap: Travel Thoughts & Tips
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Things I did before our trip that I’m grateful for
Tips for traveling with a spouse or just other people in general
Things that surprised me
Highlights of the trip
My encouragement to you to take the dang trip
Episode 98: Compared to What? Power of Perspective
“Compared to what?” This was a question my grandpa would always ask us when we chatted.
Even if all I was asking him was “how are you doing?” It was a powerful lesson in perspective, in realizing that everything we think, believe, and feel is always in the context of what we’re comparing it to.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
However you choose to describe something, is in comparison to something else
The summertime body comparison struggle
So much of our body image journey is unpacking where our thoughts came from
We get to take responsibility for our own thoughts and feelings and the perspective we choose
Episode 97: Building a Brand that Celebrates Your Roots with Katie Beal Brown
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The story of her pivot from working in advertising in New York to moving back to Texas to launch an entire brand and journey
Measuring success by how far we’ve come and what we’ve already accomplished instead of what’s yet to come
As an entrepreneur, having to get comfortable making decisions with an element of unknown
The power of a brand and having a story behind it to tell
Finding ourselves right where we’re at and focusing on belonging instead of fitting in
episode 96: 5 Things My Yarden is Teaching Me
I took on this project to prove to myself once again that new habits can be formed, identities can shift, and maybe I do have a green thumb after all! Time will tell. But so far, things are going better than expected and I've learned a lot, not just about gardening, in the process, but also about myself.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Getting curious about the identities that we hold true about ourselves and deciphering if they are actually true or if we’ve just believed them for so long
Creating space to grow into your full potential
What negativity bias is and how it impacts our thoughts
Boundaries show love and respect to ourselves and to others
episode 95: Coming Home to Yourself with Arielle Estoria
Born and raised in foggy Northern California and now residing in Los Angeles CA, Arielle Estoria is a Poet, Author and Actor. Her motto, "Words not for the ears but for the soul" stems from her dedication to remind anyone who encounters her and her work that words are meant to be felt and experienced not just heard. With a specific heart in empowering, encouraging and making space for audiences of women to feel at home in their own bodies.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Considering the legacy we want to leave
Who were you before you were told who to be?
Navigating the crossroads of doing what others want you to do vs. doing what your soul desires
Navigating social media when it comes to making art
Self love and confidence
episode 94: Money is Abundant, Time is Not
In this episode about , we’ll chat about:
Our plans to spend three weeks in Europe!
Finding a balance between using money as a tool to experience the world and also saving it mindfully to prepare for the future
Savoring the season you’re in
Focusing on what will be important at the end of your life
episode 93: New Life Begins in the Dark with Leeana Tankersley
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The difference between self-sacrifice and self-abandonment
Are you being loyal to a narrative that is destroying you?
Instead of focusing on what you DON’T want your life to look like, focus on what you DO want your life to look like
The power of making amends with the relationship with yourself
episode 92: Knowing Better vs. Doing Better
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
A few things that get in the way of our DOING
The role that shame plays in our inaction
The power of baby steps
My challenge for you, and myself, this week
episode 91: Overcoming Deeply Challenging Events with Bevin Farrand
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What the D.A.M.N. framework is
How to take loss and make something amazing on the other side of it
Honoring all the emotions we feel
The power of micro actions
Deciphering what is YOUR dream vs. what is someone else's dream imposed on you is
Knowing your “why” but releasing the “how”
episode 90: It’s Hard to Close a Good Chapter
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
My Coach Kiah identity crisis
The discomfort of growth
Sometimes letting go of a good thing is exactly what is meant for our growth
episode 89: Disrupting an Industry with Karoline Rose
Karoline Rose is a small business marketing strategist and CEO from Montana on a mission to help businesses get to the next level by turning followers into paying customers. She prefers to spend her days in sale barns or on the ranch, but she’s a pro at working from anywhere and will pour her heart into taking care of her clients.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How vital a woman’s role is in agriculture and the creativity, femininity, and sensitivity she brings
Shifting your career trajectory to things that really light you up
Marketing and business tips
Advice on outsourcing and hiring team members
episode 88: 10 Things Bringing Me Joy
Today’s episode is going to be a joy-filled one! In life, a lot of us get so focused on reaching the destination or the goal, that we miss out on the joy that happens along the journey of reaching that destination or goal. That journey is where life is happening. So in today’s episode I share 10 things that are currently bringing me joy in my life.
EPISODE 87: Copywriting That Resonates with Jenny Roth
In today’s episode, our guest is my new friend Jenny Roth and we’re talking all about copywriting that resonates. I know we have a lot of listeners who are creative CEOs and entrepreneurs who struggle with the copywriting pieces of their business, so I’m so excited to share all of Jenny’s wisdom with you.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Common pain points when it comes to copywriting
Should you niche down?
Honoring your creative energy
The right time to outsource your writing
Tips for creating consistent content and nurturing your audience
Let your copywriting, along with your business, serve you in the season that you’re in
EPISODE 86: A Cowgirl Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
This is a really exciting week for me. As I'm recording this, I'm getting ready to head to Fort Worth, TX. I have been chosen as an honoree of this year’s Cowgirl Magazine Cowgirl 30 Under 30. As I’ve been preparing for this amazing opportunity, I noticed a lot of feelings of imposter syndrome coming up in me. Things like, “Do I even deserve this award?” and, “Am I worthy of this honor?” So while I know these aren’t true, I also know I'm not the only one who has experienced these feelings. So today I'm digging into imposter syndrome and some ways to overcome it.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
My history of imposter syndrome and my lifelong desire of wanting to fit in
4 ways to overcome imposter syndrome
Growing through doubt and fear
My goals and intentions with this trip
EPISODE 85: Basics of Building Wealth with Sadie Schweers
Today’s guest on the episode is my friend, Sadie Schweers. One of the best parts of having a podcast is that it gives me the opportunity to interview people and ask them for insight on topics that I’m personally interested in and then I get to share them with you. Today is one of those topics: building wealth. Sadie is an expert in this topic and does an excellent job of covering what we need to know about the basics of building wealth.
In this episode about the basics of building wealth, we’ll chat about:
The misconception that you have to have a lot of money to get started
What money bias or money mindset is
Tips on how to strengthen and heal our relationship with money
Managing money in a marriage and having these important conversations with your partner
Is there a right time to invest?
EPISODE 84: 5 Ways to Romanticize Your Life
As a dreamer, I tend to get caught up in the future, dreaming of big bold audacious dreams for my life. It’s great, but constantly living in the future has a tendency to steal my attention from being present in the moment. Aware of that pitfall, one of my guideposts for this year has been to romanticize my life. Not the one I’m creating for myself in the future, but the one I’m living in right here and now.
The 5 Ways to Romanticize Your Life are:
Reflect back on the growth you’ve already experienced to root yourself in gratitude for where you are.
Taking an intentional moment to tune into all five senses: smell, touch, sight, taste, sound
Create a meaningful and nostalgic playlist that represents your life in this season
Capture memories and make mini documentaries
Asking yourself in real time, “What am I going to miss about this season one day when it’s over?”
EPISODE 83: Health is an Evolution with Dawn Marie
I'm thrilled to have Dawn Marie as my guest on the show today. We share a passion for agriculture, food freedom, and supporting women to step into their dreams. I’m telling you, she was meant for this show!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Dawn’s story of thyroid cancer and how it transformed her life and her view of health
Listening to our intuition for what our body needs
How health doesn’t have one single look
Getting to the root of the things you enjoy
The importance of sitting in our feelings; especially the uncomfortable ones
How to overcome losing yourself in motherhood
EPISODE 82: Does Your Wardrobe Spark Joy?
What would it feel like to open up your closet and feel joy? To feel peace? To feel ease? Let’s talk about how you can create those feelings in that space for yourself.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What to do if you feel shame when you look in your closet
My opinion on “goal clothes”
Tips and tricks for effectively cleaning out your closet so that it serves you
Your body, as it is today, deserves clothes that fit it comfortably and make you feel confident
We need to change our self love to be unconditional instead of conditional
Tips on purchasing (or thrifting!) new clothes
EPISODE 81: You're Already Awesome with Alison Faulkner
I think a lot of us fall into the neverending self-help spiral of always trying to fix ourselves. Today’s guest, Alison Faulkner, shares something extraordinarily refreshing in her book, You’re Already Awesome, because it took an entirely different approach to personal development. The main premise being that there is really nothing about you to fix. You’re already awesome.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How instead of trying to fix ourselves, we should notice and accept ourselves
The goal of getting to a place where we can enjoy and embrace reality
An explanation of shadow work
The power of creating just for the sake of creating (and not for the sake of sharing online)
EPISODE 80: 7 Ways to Measure Health Without a Scale
Today I’m going to discuss 7 ways to measure health without a scale. So, if you are exploring the idea of breaking up with scale while also still wanting to focus on your health, this one is for you!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Weight obsession along with rampant diet culture is actually hurting us more than it’s helping
It’s not inherently BAD to want to lose weight but looking at weight as the sole measure of health is bad because there are so many other ways to do so
Health does not LOOK a certain way and weight is NOT the best indicator of health
The 7 ways to measure health without a scale
EPISODE 79: Embracing Fear & Becoming Self-Reliant with Amber Elle
On today’s episode, we have a badass guest. I met Amber Elle at Courtenay DeHoff’s Fancy Lady Cowgirl event as she was a fellow speaker at the event. As I was listening to her on stage, I knew immediately that I needed to get her on the show.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What being prepared and self-reliant means
Fear and how people respond to fear
The difference between fear and perceived fear
How to go from fear and anxiety to chill and prepared
What resilience is
EPISODE 78: how to manifest an audacious life.
In today’s episode, I talk all about how to manifest an audacious life. We cover:
My thoughts on turning 30
My word of the year and why I picked it
Looking more inward vs. outward
Manifesting with a vision board
What I’m leaving in my 20s
The 15 items on my bucket list for the year
EPISODE 77: Living Life by Design with Dr. Nicole Garritano
Today’s guest is Dr. Nicole Garritano and we’ll be chatting about living life by design. I met today’s guest at my business coach’s business retreat. And let’s just say that the session she did at the retreat has opened my world in ways I didn’t anticipate. So I encourage you to listen to today’s episode with an open mind because it might just change your life in ways you didn’t expect, too.
In this episode, we cover:
What human design is and overview of the 5 different types
The energy in our bodies
The difference between spirituality and religion
The harm of labeling ourselves and putting ourselves in boxes and not allowing ourselves to change and evolve from that
An activity to help us trust and become more in tune with our intuition
As we wrap up this year, I wanted to do an episode that reflects on the best of all the things in 2022.
In this episode, we’ll cover
The best books I read
The best podcasts
Core memories
Goals I didn’t meet
Goals I did meet
Things I’m saying no to
Things I’m saying yes to
Guideposts for 2023
EPISODE 75: moldy shame monster
Today we’re going to talk about the Moldy Shame Monster. This was inspired by a recent trip to the dentist and the shame I felt going into the appointment. Flossing shame, in fact. I felt so called to record an episode about shame - whether it be in regard to your upcoming dentist appointment or in any other aspect of your life - tune in to hear my take on handling this monster.
In this episode, we cover:
What exactly shame is
7 of things I’m feeling shame about
The difference between shame and guilt
How to manage shame and work towards getting rid of it
Realizing your worthiness and take back the power that shame has taken away
EPISODE 74: Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good with Rha Goddess
I have been dying to have this conversation and I'm so honored I get to share it with you today. My guest is Rha Goddess and today we’re going to talk about how to stay true, get paid, and do good.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How to trust your intuition, honor our inner compass, and step into the fear
Success does not have to be hard or a constant struggle
The new definition of success is all about alignment; being true to your vision, your mission, and your purpose
Not just finding GOOD work but finding YOUR work
Building a relationship with your own body, mind, and spirit
Ways to avoid burnout
What our greatest enemy is
EPISODE 73: 8 Questions to Ask Yourself to Reflect on 2022
I’m a big believer in ending the year by creating a vision for the new year ahead. BUT, before we jump the gun and dive into 2023, let’s take a moment to reflect back on 2022. Not just reflect, but to really live in the gain of what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve learned, and just how far we’ve come.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The 8 questions to ask yourself to reflect on 2022
Looking back instead of only looking forward
Everyone has problems in their life, but we have a choice how we see them
A better way to measure progress
Measuring your current self vs. your former self
Encouragement to create a “celebration board”
EPISODE 72: Embracing All Parts of Yourself in Leadership & Life with Derek Mulhern
Growing up as a closeted gay kid in the Midwest, Derek sought to find relevance through achievement. It worked. He rose through youth leadership organizations through his mid to late teens, and eventually, started a career in leadership development and training in the food and agriculture sector.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How self love is a constant journey that we have to strive for every day
How better the workplace would be if we felt comfortable and safe to show up as our whole and true selves
If we’re pushing parts of ourselves down, it’s going to affect all parts of our lives and how we show up
To be more accepting of others, we first have to get curious of our own thoughts, beliefs, and judgements
The idea that what if that thing you were so worried about yourself, is true, but actually wasn’t a problem
EPISODE 71: Tap Into Gratitude (& Whatever Else You’re Feeling)
This, of course, is the season of gratitude. If you’re listening to this the day it’s released, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. But before we get there, I just want to hold space for you to slow down and take a few deep breaths to tap into how you’re feeling today and in this season. Whatever comes up for you, allow it without resistance. Feel what needs to be felt.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Is gratitude overdone this time of year?
Focusing on gratitude while also not ignoring any hard feelings that come up
The power of observing your feelings, naming them, and feeling whatever needs to be felt
Rooting ourselves in gratitude and abundance
EPISODE 70: Thought Ladders & the Power of Neutral
How do we go from feeling awful, hopeless, resentful, unworthy to feeling love, happiness, joy, acceptance, peace? Those emotional places feel worlds apart. And in today’s episode, I’m going to teach you a simple yet powerful tool, Thought Ladders, to help you bridge the gap. So let’s dive in!
In this episode about thought ladders & the power of neutral, we’ll chat about:
What thought ladders are and how they can help you feel better while avoiding toxic positivity
How you have to feel and process ALL the emotions - even the hard ones
How to get to your goal thoughts and beliefs
What bridge phrases are and how they can help
How thought work is an ongoing practice
How we have the capacity to reshape our thoughts, reprogram our brains, and rebuild our relationships with ourselves by growing our beliefs
EPISODE 69: Reproductive Health & Patient Empowerment with Jodie Lisenbee
Today Jodie Lisenbee and I are talking all about reproductive health and patient empowerment.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How we can better support women mentally and emotionally during pregnancy and postpartum
The power in validating each other’s experiences and helping people feel like they aren’t alone
The outside pressures and expectations of what certain seasons in life are supposed to be like
Taking care of ourselves and showing self compassion is actually a great way to show compassion to others
How to be more empowered while getting medical care and taking medical advice
Her method on how to ask informed questions in medical situations: use your B.R.A.I.N.
EPISODE 68: The Gift of Grief - A Tribute to Grandpa Darrell
This wasn’t the podcast I intended to record today, but it’s the one that’s fresh on my heart and I just hope I can get through it. Yesterday, as I’m recording this, we lost my Grandpa Darrell, the patriarch of our family. This episode is a tribute to my Grandpa Darrell and the gift of grief.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What I mean when I say that grief is a gift
No matter how many years you get, it’s never enough with those you love
Consider this your sign to give that person a call or tell that person how much you love them
Take the photos and shoot the videos, you’ll be so glad you did
Some of the amazing life lessons I’ve learned from my Grandpa
EPISODE 67: Connection, Confidence, & Color with Kylie Epperson
Today I am bringing on one of my dear friends, Kylie Epperson, and we’re chatting all things connection, confidence and color.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Our journeys of getting to our current confident selves and how it’s an ongoing work in progress
Navigating the “shoulds” and expectations we put on ourselves
The power of community and asking for help
What to do when you feel like you don’t have the capacity to dream
What House of Colour is and explanations of a color session and a style session
The importance of dressing your body just as it is today
EPISODE 66: Stop the waiting game
It was 2018 and for the first time in my life, I committed to showing up for myself and my goals to END the year instead of putting all the pressure on the new year. Which is something perhaps you might want to consider too, friend… So, let’s dive in!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Finishing the year strong instead of pushing off our habits, goals, and dreams for the new year
A wintering season of rest is important, but that doesn’t mean you have to self-sabotage your life
Becoming your best version of you, the most empowered and confident version of you, gets to start right now
EPISODE 65: Self-Confidence is Bullsh*t
Looking at the title, I know what you’re thinking… well actually I don’t, but I’m assuming it’s something like WHATTTT is this girl talking about?! I thought she was literally a self-confidence coach. Hang in with me here… in this episode we’re going to break down WHY our mindset on self-confidence might just be a little bass akwards. So, let’s dive on in!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How we must take action BEFORE we feel confident
The stories I had in my head in the past that held me back
It’s not the CONFIDENCE that inspires the action, it’s the ACTION that creates the confidence
How I can help you unleash the confidence queen inside of yourself
EPISODE 64: The fear that holds us back
Today we’re going to talk all about fear. Specifically the fear that holds us back in our lives. This episode is inspired by an activity that we did at my retreat and today I'm going to share with you actual examples of what the women at the retreat wrote down. This is a super powerful exercise that I know will help you, too.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How a lot of our fears are universal
How it’s both comforting and heartbreaking that we’re facing the same fears and struggles
Fear is the resistance to change
How to push past the fear and what the antidote to fear is
EPISODE 63: Transitioning Careers with Whitney Kinne
Today we chat all things transitioning careers with my guest Whitney Kinne. I had the pleasure of sharing the stage with Whitney at an Agriculture Future of America alumni event this past summer and she’s one of those people you feel like you’ve known forever.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Big transitions in life whether that’s with your career, family, relationships, etc.
To know if we’re on the right track, we have to first know what we want
Finding the courage to make a pivot and change
Breaking the mold from the traditional path and career journey
A question to ask yourself when you’re faced with imposter syndrome
Our thoughts on hustle culture
Is there such a thing as work/life balance?
Today we’re going to talk a little bit about a lifelong struggle I’ve had that I’m continuing to work through…. Saying NO. Perhaps you can relate. I’ve done a lot of deep diving into this for myself. And while I haven't officially cracked the code, I'm here to share some lessons learned on how we can start saying no to the things that aren’t meant for us so we can say yes more to the things that are.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How and when to say no
Why we struggle to say no in the first place
Tips and questions to ask yourself to make high quality decisions
Allowing white space in your life for rest or unknown aligned opportunities
EPISODE 61: Navigating the Pivot with Natalie & Tara
In this episode, I’m welcoming two guests onto the show at once! Natalie Kovarik and Tara Vander Dussen are on the show today to chat about navigating the pivot in life and business.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Challenges and opportunities that come with advocating for Agriculture
How change is hard but when you lean into your gut and trust your intuition, it can be hard and right all at the same time
The importance of checking in with ourselves to make sure we’re still in alignment and on the right path
Tips on being content even as enneagram 3s/achievers and separating our worth from our work
EPISODE 60: far surpassing expectations
I have wrapped up my first ever Women’s Retreat and let me tell ya, my cup is full. I’ve given myself some time to process the experience and rest, but now, I'm ready to share a recap, some lessons learned, and some beautiful moments that were had.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The peace that comes when you’re in alignment
How much of a growth and learning experience this was for me
Seeing these women embody their higher selves and see their lives transformed
How a lot of our fears are universal
EPISODE 59: Getting Back to the Girl I Was with Jenna Paulette
In this episode, we chat with Jenna Paulette about her journey of doing what she loves most, writing and playing country music while staying true to her country roots.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How when you stand for what you believe in and stay true to your roots, it gives you something to stand on and share about
How our past experiences all help to shape us and prepare us for where we’re meant to go and who we’re meant to be
The power of not giving up and staying steadfast in your dreams
EPISODE 58: I Dare You to Be Bad at Something New
In this episode, we’re talking all about sourdough. Actually, we’re talking about all the things that I’ve learned by trying something new, like sourdough. So even if you’re not into baking, hang with me as we unpack this new experience and the life lessons it is teaching me.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What a sourdough starter is and how mine, Summer, got her name
The 3 lessons that I have learned, and continue to learn, from trying my very own sourdough starter
Trying new things and the power of failing
EPISODE 57: the problem with affirmations
In this episode, we’re talking about the problem with affirmations. Affirmations have been a hot topic lately and don’t get me wrong, I believe in the power of affirmations. However, there are some problems with affirmations or our expectations around them. I’ve got a couple tips for you on how to make affirmations work for you and why they might be falling flat.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Tools to help you approach positive affirmations
What to do when we don’t believe our affirmations yet
Unpacking the concept of Confirmation Bias and how we have the power to prove our thoughts (whether positive or negative) to be true
EPISODE 56: health at every size
In today’s episode, I am bringing my friend Kori Dover onto the show. Kori is the California Beef Council's registered dietitian and resident health professional, providing evidence-based education, resources and communication around beef nutrition. She is also the voice behind GFree Kori, where she explores gluten free and guilt free living as a food lover and mom who happens to also be a registered dietitian with celiac.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Kori’s story with Celiac disease and how that has impacted her dietitian journey and relationship with food
The feeling of being betrayed by your body - for whatever reason - and how to overcome that
How food is personal and individualized; each body and person is different
Other ways to measure our health and progress besides our weight
EPISODE 55: The Gap Between Here and There
Today’s episode is straight from my journal. Lately as I've been traveling and speaking, I've been doing a lot of self reflection and talking through my thoughts out loud. I’ve been going through a bit of a funk and am finally getting some clarity as I've processed things. Taking the mess in my mind and putting it outside of me - whether that’s through a conversation with someone or onto paper in my journal - has been exactly what I've needed.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Being an enneagram 3 and the gifts and challenges that come with it
Growth and reflection
Learning to separate who I am from the titles I wear
What I would do if no one knew I was doing it
EPISODE 54: Growth in Community with Emily Reuschel
Today I’m bringing you my personal development bestie, the beautiful Emily Reuschel. Emily and her husband, Andrew, raise corn, soybeans, cover crops, a few chickens, and two farm kids in West Central Illinois. Emily is an elementary school teacher turned nonprofit leader turned entrepreneur. She is deeply passionate about serving rural women through life coaching, speaking, masterminds, digital content, and her new podcast: Gather in Growth. Emily’s personalized habit challenge, #YouDoYou82, helps women build strong, attainable, and consistent habits to show up for the lives that they love. Her joy list includes red dirt country music, iced americanos, snuggling on the couch with her family, personal growth books, and long runs on rural backroads.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The connection between your personal growth journey and your health journey
Reframing your mindset that taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s actually serving others better
Taking big leaps of faith in our growth journeys - both personally and professionally
The power of community
EPISODE 53: Ripple Effects
Today’s episode is inspired by an unexpected conversation that I had a little while ago when I was in Kentucky. I’ll share a story about the effects we have when we better ourselves and improve our lives in any way, are further reaching than we may ever know.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The small ways you’re showing up for yourself are making a difference; for yourself and for others
You never realize the impact you’re having on others
Rethinking how you’re acting and what you’re saying so you’re not passing insecurities and body shaming onto the next generation
You deserve all of this regardless of how it affects others
When you see other people confidently and unapologetically showing up for themselves and living their life… YOU can be that person for other people too!
EPISODE 52: Overcoming Addiction & Creating Community with Olivia Wickstrom
In this episode, I have a beautiful guest, Olivia Wickstrom. She’s been exploring ideas and projects that spark her passion for community building and storytelling. Alongside her role as a freelance marketer and business manager, Oliva is the founder of Creating 805, a community for creative entrepreneurs on California’s central coast. When she’s not slinging digital strategies or musing on topics of sobriety and mental health, you’ll find Olivia practicing yoga, grabbing coffee with friends, or jogging the streets of her small hometown, Morro Bay.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What Creating 805 is and Olivia’s passion of community and personal growth
Olivia’s addiction and sobriety journey and what it has taught her
How to be supportive when a loved one is struggling
The parallels between entrepreneurship and sobriety
EPISODE 51: Why I’m Hosting a Retreat
In this episode, I am talking about something new and exciting I’m doing; I’m hosting my very first in-person retreat! I started as a coach in the middle of the pandemic which means almost all the work I've done has been virtual. And thank goodness for that! But I’ll be honest, I'm craving in-person connection, and I'm so thankful we have that opportunity again.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Taking this opportunity to learn and grow and pour into one another in-person
How the retreat will give you the freedom to exist in our bodies just as they are, chase our dreams, and be present with our loved ones
How we need to stop holding ourselves back from living our lives
The goal is to help women feel less alone; to be in in-person community with a group of women who support and uplift one another
Who this retreat is for
Why I started this retreat, what you can expect, and what you’ll take home with you
EPISODE 50: Coach Kiah Tell-All with My Bestie Jessica
Today we’re doing things a little differently. The guest on today’s show is my very best friend, Jessica. We’ve been through so much life together and today we’re turning the tables a bit and Jessica is going to be asking me questions in a ‘Coach Kiah Tell-All’ episode.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How I’m a recovering people pleaser; what I’ve learned from that and how i’m trying to overcome it
My most embarrassing moment
My next travel and business aspirations
How I used to mask my insecurities by buffering with humor and being nice
Learning that negative body image is not just reserved for people in larger bodies
Self-love journeys are a never-ending, lifelong endeavor
Not letting body securities hold us back from living our lives
EPISODE 49: Finding Purpose Through the Pain with Carey Portell
Today I get to introduce you to an incredible woman, Carey Portell, who I met in person while I was speaking at a Red Angus Convention in Boise, ID. I was blown away by her story and her heart and I knew we needed to bring her on the show to share with you. As a keynote speaker and author, Carey motivates and inspires her audiences to break through limitations, learn to believe in oneself, and tap into their higher power as a source of inspiration. Her message teaches us to thrive despite challenges and arrive with an attitude of gratitude on our path to success.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Making the most of the hand you are dealt
Finding purpose in hardship and strength from the struggle
How we choose to respond when bad things happen
EPISODE 48: Summer Body Confidence
It’s summertime which means swimsuit season. I’ll be honest, I’ve gained weight since last summer. Typically, that would have brought me a lot of shame. BUT this year I’m not letting that hold me back from fully enjoying and embracing this summer season. If you want to have body confidence regardless of how your body changes, let’s chat about it.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Reflecting on my relationship with summer
Not being so fixated on our bodies that we miss the good stuff in life
Changing the narrative for future generations and ourselves
The power we have to create a ripple effect in society
What to do when we face body image disruptors
How we should all be rebels this summer
EPISODE 47: Behind the Scenes of Backroad Cowgirls with Court & Kiah
Today’s guest is a familiar one; she’s been on the show before and if you follow me on social media, you’ve seen a lot of her lately! I’m bringing back my partner-in-crime, Courtenay DeHoff, and today we’re talking about all things Backroad Cowgirls. We’ll give you a glimpse into what it looked like to be on the road for two weeks and some of the shenanigans we got into along the way. Season One of the Backroad Cowgirls is live on YouTube!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What Backroad Cowgirls is and how it came to be
Don’t wait until you’re ready, because you’ll never feel ready - just do the dang thing!
Challenges and wins from the two-week road trip
What’s next for the Backroad Cowgirls
EPISODE 46: Creating the Dream While Living the Dream
On today’s episode, I’m sharing a realization I had the other day while reflecting on my life. I feel like my life is a series of relearning the same lessons over and over again and sometimes there are moments in my life that remind me what I need to keep in mind. I’ll chat about the concept of the arrival fallacy and learning how to dream big and have big goals, without losing sight of the fact that you might be currently living a life you one day dreamt of.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Don’t let the vision get in the way of the current dream you’re living
Learning how to be proud, grateful, and fulfilled here while reaching for more
Don’t hope/wish/dream your current life away
Being present and content with being a work in progress
Rooting ourselves in gratitude of what we have now and who are are now
EPISODE 45: Talking About Mental Health with Men in Your Life with Jason Medows
In this episode, we continue our conversation all about mental health. Today I’m introducing you to Jason Medows. Jason was born and raised on his family’s cow calf operation outside of Cuba, Missouri. He grew up playing football and baseball and was involved in his local 4-H. In 2002, Jason left the farm for St Louis College of Pharmacy. He graduated in 2008 with his Doctor in Pharmacy and returned home to work at a local hospital and continue the cow-calf operation he started in college. It was at that local hospital where he met his future wife, Keri. Fast forward 12 years and they have four boys and have purchased another farm of their own. In 2019, Jason began his podcast, Ag State Of Mind, where he combined his medical background with his passion for agriculture to help break the stigma surrounding mental health in agriculture.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The power of healing yourself to heal others
How even when things are going well in your life - happy marriage, healthy kids, etc - that doesn’t mean you aren’t still struggling with your mental health
The real trouble starts when you hide it and don’t talk about it because of shame - shame that you aren’t “tough” or shame because your life is good and you feel bad that you’re struggling
Trying to break the mold of perfectionism in order to be a more realistic example for the next generation
How to help someone else that isn’t yet bought in about taking care of their mental health
EPISODE 44: Quest for Joy
In this episode, I want to talk to you about what I'm calling my quest for joy. Maybe you, too, are on your own quest for joy, so let’s dive in.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
My story on how I was inspired to embark on my own daily quest for joy
My season of self-discovery
Striving for joy in the every-day, mundane things that may not even feel joyful necessarily
The problem with trying to avoid the hard stuff
Doing something for the sole reason of it bringing you joy
EPISODE 43: Destigmatizing mental health with ashley machado
In this episode I’m bringing you the incredible Ashley Machado. Ashley grew up in the dairy industry and is now a wife to a calf rancher and almond farmer in California. She has her B.A in Human Development, and Masters in Social Work with an emphasis in Clinical Mental Health. Ashley is rethinking the way we support Mental Health in the ag industry and specializes in breaking down big ideas and deep feelings into simple and actionable strategies for ag families and businesses alike. Her goal is for everyone in the ag industry and rural America to have the tools they need in their mental health toolbox to live life fully by talking about things like anxiety, self-growth, relationships, and communication.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Mental health in the agriculture industry and the stigma around it
The difference between formal therapy vs. talking to your friend/mom
Mental health tools to have in your tool box
That life can be two things at once; beautiful and messy, hard and good - and to let yourself feel all the feelings that come along with it
Communication and relationships
Learning and re-learning lessons but in different contexts of life
EPISODE 42: Time to Start Living
As I recorded this episode, I was preparing for a two-week road trip; manifesting a dream I've had on my heart for a very long time. Today, I want to talk about finally taking a chance on yourself. Finally taking a moment to start living your life. And betting on yourself and chasing those wild and crazy dreams that you have on your heart.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Just start. Right where you are with what you’ve got. Just start!
Being nervous and afraid but doing it anyway and showing up
Don’t hope and wish your life away - take action!
What holds us back from our big dreams
Growth only happens when we take chances
Chase your dreams but also allow them to change shape
EPISODE 41: Redefining Success & Choosing Your Hard with Beth Probst
In this episode, I am chatting with Beth Probst. Beth is a plus-size, mediocre runner who started running after a few too many mojitos and declaring to her friend's she was training for a half-marathon (she was not). A few months later she crossed the finish line. After a decade of racing, she published her first book: It Could Be Worse: A girlfriend's guide for runners who detest running. In addition to tactical running tips for plus-size runners, this is a story about an ordinary gal redefining what success looks like - and the power of showing up for yourself.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Changing our relationship with challenging things and discomfort
The identity of being a runner
Defining what success looks like for yourself and how “right” can look like many different things
The relationship with your body and how there is no arrival, it’s a lifelong journey
Doing something messy and imperfect is better than not trying in the first place
The power of publicly declaring your intentions to be held accountable and then showing up and making it happen
Reflecting back each day and being aware if you’ve moved one step closer to who you want to be
Learning to flex our “no muscle” and turning your default answer to “no” instead of “yes”
Today we’re chatting about “falling off the wagon.” I’ve used this phrase many times in my life for many different things and today I want to unpack together what it means to fall off the wagon and talk about ways we can hop right back on the freakin’ wagon.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Where the expression “falling off the wagon” originated
My recent experience with “falling off the wagon” and the feelings it brought up in me
How to break the shame cycle and why we need to stop “should-ing” all over ourselves
The power of taking small action / baby steps
We cannot shame ourselves into becoming who we want to be
EPISODE 39: Exploring the Enneagram with Terryn Drieling
In this episode, I chat with Terryn Drieling. Terryn is a born and raised Nebraska girl and the creator of Faith Family & Beef, where she talks about mommin’, ranching, and enneagram teaching her way through life living on strong coffee and a whole lotta Jesus.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What the enneagram is and what sets it apart from other personality typing systems
Exploring all nine types and their core motivations, fears, sins, longings and desires
Determining your type and how it can make you more aware of your strengths and weaknesses to improve yourself and be a more compassionate person
The enneagram as a tool to better handle conflict and understand one another
Kiah’s recent enneagram typing crisis and what it taught her
EPISODE 38: Challenging Labels & Becoming the Person You Want to Be
In today’s episode, not only do I talk about how to be a “hat person”, but I dig into how this is actually a metaphor about becoming ANY kind of person you want to be. A hat person, an active person, a morning person, or even a TV show host. Whatever kind of person you want to be, I’m going to share with you one of the most profound truths about how to make this happen and it might surprise you just how simple it is.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The cost of your new life is your old one
Really focusing and getting clear on what’s most important to you and your life
Taking action towards becoming the person you want to be even though it feels messy and uncomfortable
The key is to start acting like the person you want to be, not waiting to become that person
Our very own new digital series Backroad Cowgirls
EPISODE 37: Get Inspired to Do the “DAMN” Thing with Bevin Farrand
In today’s episode, I chat with Bevin Ferrand who in 2019, after unexpectedly losing her husband five days after they returned from a whirlwind trip to France, Bevin Farrand founded the Take the DAMN Trip movement. Her DAMN framework has inspired hundreds to connect with the people that they love, do the “crazy thing” that makes all the difference and, when given a choice, to take the damn trip. Additionally, she is a business strategist and coach who supports small businesses and entrepreneurs in developing and executing strategies to take their revenue to 6- and 7-figures.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What is the DAMN framework and how it helps us to overcome difficulty and create amazing things
How to take micro-actions to move you forward toward your goals
The difference between permission and support
EPISODE 36: Imposter Syndrome & 5 Ways to Overcome It
A few weeks ago, I had my first ever first-class flight experience and along with it came such a funny story I was inspired to create an entire podcast episode about it! No, this episode is not about how great free cocktails are, it’s about imposter syndrome. Let’s dive in!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The many ways I have experienced imposter syndrome in my life
What exactly imposter syndrome is and where it comes from
Five ways to overcome the pesky problem and how to build self-belief
EPISODE 35: Breaking the Mold & Navigating Haters with Fancy Lady Cowgirl Courtenay DeHoff
Courtenay Dehoff is a Kansas ranch kid turned television host & speaker passionate about upholding traditions of the west in unexpected ways. She is The Original Fancy Lady Cowgirl, a movement she started to uplift and embrace women from all walks of life who embody cowgirl qualities.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What it means to be a Fancy Lady Cowgirl
How to be confident in yourself and your story, even when there are haters
To remember that everyone you see has a beginning of their story, even if we only see the middle or the end.
EPISODE 34: How to Make Exercise Suck Less
In today’s episode, we talk about exercise! When you hear the word exercise, what feelings come up for you? How would you describe your relationship with exercise? Join me as we talk about joyful movement and how to make exercise suck less!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
My complicated relationship with exercise and where I’m at today
How I have rebuilt my relationship with movement and how if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you too!
Five tips to help you hate exercise less and find joy in moving again
EPISODE 33: Growing Confidence About Food Choices with Alli Kelley
Alli Kelley is an ag-centered entrepreneur. She stays busy running a successful food blog, a consulting and coaching business, and all the social media connected with an online presence. She also owns and operates a small, diversified farmstead where she enjoys experimenting in the garden, creating profitable mini businesses on the farm, and of course, riding her big grey horse, Zane. Her formal education in ag paired with her entrepreneur heart, always keeps things exciting for her husband and three kids. She loves that they are always up for an adventure and are the top supporters of her wild ideas.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Alli’s food philosophy and sorting through the mixed ideas about what foods are the healthiest or most nutritious
Her goal of helping people feel more confident about their food choices and comfortable enough to ask questions about how food is raised without feeling stupid or silly
Tips for reducing overwhelm and feeling more empowered in the kitchen
EPISODE 32: Body Insecurities & Wisdom From Kiddos
This last weekend, Brent and I had two of my nieces, McKinley and Cora, for a weekend sleepover. We crafted, had a movie night, countless kitchen dance parties, we cooked together, went to the beach, went to the toy store, had ice cream, went on nature walks, and got glammed up and fancy for a photoshoot. Not only did we all have a BLAST, but they also taught me so much as well.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How my nieces are my biggest why and what that looks like for me
How to be present with your loved ones instead of in your own head about your insecurities
Being an example of how to take care of yourself and love yourself unconditionally
What I learned from my nieces and how I want to implement the lessons into my life
EPISODE 31: Body Shaming - A Man’s Perspective with Alex Youdim
In this episode, I chat with my new friend Alex Youdim. Shortly before his 40th birthday, in the height of the pandemic, he was laid off from a job he loved and broke up with his girlfriend after 5+ years invested in each and finally decided to take control of his life. In the year and a half since, he’s refocused on himself, his health, and his mindset. Along the way of losing 120 pounds and counting, he has found a version of himself that he loves and for a long time thought was lost.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The differences and similarities of body shaming between men and women
Getting out of your comfort zone to push yourself to take steps to reach your goals
Changing the narrative of your life to step into who you are and who you aren’t
EPISODE 30: Candid Thoughts About Before & After Photos
On this week’s episode of the podcast, join me in a candid conversation about before and after photos inspired by a weight loss company that recently stole mine. To be honest, I have mixed feelings about them. I waver between seeing them as a powerful tool to inspire and connect with others while also struggling with how to make sure they aren’t unintentionally instilling more shame and perpetuating the problems that diet culture has created.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How my before and after photos were stolen and used for multiple false articles and ads to promote scam diet fads and programs
There is no magic pill, no specific diet, no special surgery that will create a healthy relationship with your body
The biggest difference between my before and after photos is NOT the physical transformation, it’s the mental and emotional transformations
My dreams and plans to make an in-person event happen this year!
EPISODE 29: Facing Your Fear with Brooke Taylor
Today’s guest is my friend Brooke Taylor. I would describe her as wildly witty, a powerful creative, with an adventurous spirit, and just about as resilient as they come.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How Brooke is learning to embrace her body post-cancer
How Brooke is teaching and empowering her daughter to love herself and her body too, no matter what life brings her
Making the daily choice to be brave
What it takes to face your fears
We all have a lie of “once.” I’ll finally be happy ONCE… once I lose the weight, once I have the ring, once I buy the house. But most of the time what we truly want isn’t the thing, but the feeling we think the thing will give us. For me, the story was always weight loss. That’s what I thought I wanted. But what I actually wanted was acceptance, self-love, romantic love, self-confidence, freedom, joy, and energy and to keep up with my nieces. We don’t want THINGS, we want the feeling we think the things will give us. Feelings are born of thought, not circumstance. MINDSET is everything.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The lie of ONCE
The think, feel, do cycle
The truth about how to become a happier person
EPISODE 27: Fabulously Failing Forward
It’s that time of year when people might start backsliding on their goals. And when we have an all-or-nothing or perfectionist mindset, this is typically when we throw in the towel and give up all together. Instead, let’s talk about how failure is an inevitable and vital part of our journey to success. It’s time to RETHINK failure. It’s time we start fabulously failing forward, my friends.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Failure is an event, not an identity.
Your ability to succeed is dependent on your willingness to fail.
It’s not about getting it perfect and never failing, it’s about your elasticity to bounce back after you fail that determines how fast you grow.
EPISODE 26: Learn How to Dream Again
I’m a dreamer and today, on my 29th birthday, I want to invite you to dream with me. This episode will inspire you to create big, bold, beautiful dreams for your life whether you’re a natural-born dreamer like me or someone who finds dreaming awkward and uncomfortable. Let’s dive in!
In today’s episode, we’ll chat about:
My goals, dreams, and affirmations for my 29th year
How to live beyond your current self and circumstances to create your future
How you are worthy of love TODAY
I will walk you through a guided Future Self Meditation
How to make a plan and take action toward your goals
EPISODE 25: Building Consistency with Jill Angie
Struggling with consistency? This episode is for you! Today’s guest is Jill Angie, the founder of Not Your Average Runner, a badass community of women breaking the stereotypes of what it means to be a runner. She is an author, a life coach, and all around badass helping thousands of women all around the world silence their inner mean girl, build their strength, and grow self-confidence in ways they never imagined.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How language impacts our lives & challenging beliefs about who can be a runner (spoiler alert: ANYONE can!)
The good & bad of New Year resolutions and how to reframe your goals
Tips for building consistency and confidence
As we close out 2021, let’s take a look back to reflect and celebrate the highs and find the lessons amidst the lows. This year has been a beautiful and difficult blend of both for me as I’m sure for everyone else too. While I share some of my greatest moments from the year past, I want to show you the flipside of the story and share some of the hard parts too.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Highs and lows of 2021, including a behind the scenes of my Kelly Clarkson Show and Rise Conference experience
Questions and prompts to help you reflect on 2021 and refocus for the new year ahead
A pep talk and encouragement to help you start the year off on the right foot
EPISODE 23: A Moment to Breathe & Tune In
It’s time for another candid conversation with Coach Kiah. I’ll be honest, I’m in a season of burn out, feeling equal parts overwhelmed with gratitude and exhaustion. This week, I’m not here to give you any advice or tell you what to do. In fact, I’m going to do the opposite. I’m going to encourage you to take a moment to breathe and tune in to ask YOURSELF what you need instead.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
A simple breathing exercise to help you tune in
The importance of honoring your needs
A poem from my dear friend Maddie
EPISODE 22: It’s Not Too Late & You’re Not Too Old with Dr. Ronda Beaman
Ever felt like it’s too late or you’re too old? If you answered yes, then this episode is for you. I don’t know if I’ve ever met someone with the same vibrant spirit and infectious enthusiasm for life as Ronda Beaman, a woman on a mission to help others die young as late as possible. Dr. Ronda Beaman is an internationally recognized expert on leadership, resilience, fitness, education, and life coaching. She is a national award-winning educator, an international Ted-X speaker, award-winning author, founder and executive director of the non-profit Dream Makers SLO, and the Chief Creative Officer for a global research and solution firm. This episode is full of wisdom I can’t wait to share with you!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How to stop wasting time and get out of our own way
Redefining old and growing young with the science of neoteny
Lessons learned at the end of life
EPISODE 21: Setting Boundaries with Relationship Coach Nora Dekeyser
In this episode, I’m introducing you to my dear friend Nora Dekeyser. Nora is a former celebrity match-maker turned life and relationship coach who I first met like anyone meets people these days… through Instagram. There is no denying that with this season can bring some added pressures not only to our time and finances, but also to our relationships and emotions across the board. So how do we set healthy boundaries to help us navigate this to maintain strong, loving relationships, especially during the holiday season? I thought it might be helpful to bring in an expert to help us do just that. Tune in to hear Nora’s powerful and heartfelt wisdom!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Three types of boundaries and how to know when to set them
Steps for setting loving boundaries
How to navigate fear of setting boundaries
EPISODE 20: Be a Buffalo Face the Storm
This episode is a candid conversation as I share lessons I’m relearning in new areas of my life in real time. I’m relearning the courage and strength of facing life’s hardships head on through therapy, I’m relearning the lie of once as it pertains to my relationships, and I’m relearning how to be more present in the moment without my dreams and worries distracting me.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
What it means to be a buffalo and face the storms of life head on
The way “once” gets in the way of us finding contentment now
How to be more present as a dreamer or worrier
EPISODE 19: Healing Your Relationship with Food with Sheri Glazier
Food is at the center of our celebrations, big and small, especially during the holidays. It’s how we celebrate, connect, pass on traditions, and share our love with others. In this episode, Oklahoma rancher and registered dietitian Sheri Glazier, the Dirt Road Dietitian, joins me to talk about healing our relationships with food, navigating it during the holidays, and how we change the legacy of food for the next generation.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
The generational impact our parents have on our relationship with food
Reasons restriction may be getting in the way of your long term success
Success tips for navigating food during the holidays
EPISODE 18: Other People’s Opinions
It’s that time of year where many of us are gathering together with family and friends to celebrate the holiday season! It can be a joyful, wonderful time of connection and memory making… but with it can also come some uncomfortable conversations and unwarranted opinions from the people closest to us. In this episode, we dig deep to understand why other people’s opinions can hurt us and how to navigate those both internally and externally so we can make more space for joy this season.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Why other people’s opinions do or don’t affect us
Safeguarding our own beliefs and using our defensiveness for personal growth
How to respond to and set boundaries with family, especially during the holidays
EPISODE 17: Social Media, Comparison & Body Image at Age 14 and Beyond
In this episode, I’m introducing you to a very special guest, my youngest cousin Lillie, a 14-year-old who just started her freshman year of high school. If you’ve ever wondered what you’d say to your high school self if you traveled back in time, that’s what this conversation felt like for me. I’ve come to realize that so much of what we struggle with in our teenage years is similar in adulthood, just in different forms. So whether you’re a parent to a teen yourself, or just a woman who still finds herself struggling with comparison and body image, this episode will resonate with you.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Staying true to yourself
The impacts of social media and comparison
Navigating our own body image and insecurities
EPISODE 16: The Life-Changing Attitude of Gratitude
‘Tis the season of joy, family, giving, and gratitude but sometimes the holiday season can also bring with it sadness, anxiety, depression, and grief. Thankfully, the good news is that the very thing that can help us navigate those uncomfortable emotions happens to be built right into the season: gratitude.
I started my own personal development journey with gratitude FIRST, establishing the habit of writing down five simple bullet points of gratitude each morning. This simple practice, which I have now been implementing for three years strong, has quite literally changed my life.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Ways gratitude benefits your social, psychological, and physical well-being
How gratitude changes your brain
Five ideas for incorporating gratitude into your daily life
EPISODE 15: Chasing the Bright Side with Jess Ekstrom
I first met Jess Ekstrom, our final guest of the National Women’s Small Business Month entrepreneurial series, in a bathroom at a women’s conference in Kentucky. That’s where all great friendships begin, in the bathroom, right? Jess is the founder and CEO of Headbands of Hope, best-selling author of Chasing the Bright Side, creator of online courses and her newly launched guided journaling platform Bright Pages for self-discovery and growth. She is a light in this world, using her incredible talents to make this world a brighter place for all. Tune in to hear all the goodness this kick-ass entrepreneur has to share, you’re in for a treat!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Creating a business with social responsibility
Turning failure into growth & success
The power of optimism
EPISODE 14: A Parent’s Passion Pivots Her Career with Dr. Zabina “Zee” Bhasin
As we continue the National Women’s Small Business Month entrepreneur series, I’m introducing you to my friend Dr. Zabina Bhasin, better known as Dr. Zee. Dr. Zee is a non-practicing child psychiatrist who has pivoted careers to pursue entrepreneurship. Her company InKidz Co is a diverse and inclusive toy company creating products that teach children about different cultures to develop tomorrow’s global ambassadors. The idea was born from her desire to raise her own children to be empathetic and kind while creating a better future for them.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Turning a passion into a business with a cause
Stopping hate with the next generation
How to walk the talk and take action for what you stand for
EPISODE 13: Rural & Rooted with Natalie Kovarik
Next in the National Women’s Small Business Month entrepreneur series, I am introducing you to my dear friend Natalie Kovarik. Natalie is a ranch wife recently turned full-time rancher raising cattle and her three boys alongside her husband in Nebraska. She shares her heart for the ag and western industries through her beautifully curated social media, using her creativity and passions to create a business that compliments and advocates for her ranching lifestyle.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Following your heart to pivots careers
Creating community and empowering others
Building a business and brand that aligns with what matters most
EPISODE 12: How I Became Coach Kiah - My Entrepreneurial Journey
In honor of October being National Women’s Small Business Month, I am dedicating the next four episodes to women entrepreneurship. I’ve found that whether it’s the journey of health or business, the underlying factor that determines our success is the same: mindset.
We’re kicking off this series with my own entrepreneurship story. The journey to becoming Coach Kiah has been anything but a straight path. Growing up I never intended to become an entrepreneur, but over time my heart (and homesickness) eventually pulled me in that direction. There have been lots of unexpected twists and turns along the way and in this episode, I share with you the story of how it all unfolded.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
My first entrepreneurial endeavors in a one-room schoolhouse
The first full-time business I owned and why I pivoted
What the behind the scenes of Coach Kiah currently looks like
EPISODE 11: What You DON’T Need
Let’s be honest, we are constantly flooded with noise and advice from experts, gurus, and influencers telling us alllllll the things we “should” be doing. It has us “shoulding’ all over ourselves. So instead of “shoulding” on you, in this episode I’m going to do things a little differently today. It may be a little counterintuitive, but I’m going to tell you a few of the things you DON’T need in order to be successful and make big strides in your health journey.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Ways to bootstrap your health journey without spending money
4 things that you DON’T need to make big strides forward
The one thing you DO need to be successful
Meet three of the kick-ass women who are a part of my community as we talk about the power of community in supporting us on our health journeys! In this episode, I introduce you to Amy (28) from Kansas, Rikki (30) from Montana, and La Chelle (40) from Idaho. We chat about the Climb community and insights on how to create your own community to support you along the way.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Feelings of isolation and being alone in our struggles with weight and body image
How community has served us on the good and challenging days
Ways to find community and support that cost $0
EPISODE #9: 3 Lies Holding You Back
What is the biggest thing getting in the way of you reaching your goals? I’m just going to come out and say it, odds are the BIGGEST thing getting in your way is… well, you, and the lies you’re holding onto believing. In this episode, I’m going to share three of the biggest lies and excuses that might be holding you back.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Ways our brain uses excuses to protect us
Why these lies are holding you back from making real progress
How to take ownership to get out of your own way
EPISODE #8: Lessons Learned Losing 100 Pounds with Kerry Dougherty
In this episode, I introduce you to one of my first ever clients, Kerry Dougherty. Kerry is a Pennsylvania native who, over the last year, has lost over 100 pounds while learning to love herself all the way down. I am so proud to have walked alongside her on her journey and on this episode we dig deep into the lessons we’ve both learned along the way.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Lessons learned from losing 100 pounds
Common myths about weight loss
Encouragement for getting started
EPISODE #7: it’s not your fault, it’s diet culture
In this episode, I’m going to get fired up talking about a topic that is extremely important to me - how to break free and ditch diet culture. Dieting and the culture that surrounds it has stolen years of my life and precious energy, causing me to feel deep shame about my body and hold myself back from simply living and loving myself as I am. I’m not going to stand around and watch other women and men fall victim to the bullshit lies the media and diet industry has sold us all these years so that together we can change the legacy we leave for the next generation. Can you tell I’m passionate about this? Let’s dive in!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Shocking truths about the diet industry and why most diets fail
Ways to approach health and wellness beyond weight loss
Tips for beginning to breaking free from diet culture
In this episode, I have the honor of chatting with Dr. Adrienne Youdim, an internal medicine doctor specializing in nutrition and weight loss based out of Southern California. She recently released her book Hungry For More in which she shares stories and science to inspire weight loss from the inside out. By now, I think you know, THAT is my jam!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Mindset roadblocks that keep us stuck in our health journeys
Acknowledging our common humanity
Mental tools to find self-love and acceptance
EPISODE #5: The Healing is in the Feeling
We all have hard stuff and experience uncomfortable emotions, because, well, it’s part of being human. But many of us have gotten really good at avoiding or numbing away from those emotions, and it might actually be the thing that is keeping us stuck from really embracing the good stuff too.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Emotional eating and where it comes from
Numbing and how we use it to protect ourselves
Strategies to process uncomfortable emotions in a healthy, loving way
In this episode, we are going to find our mountain motivation for the Climb ahead by digging deep to find our why behind our journeys. Maybe you’ve already got a strong compelling why, and if so, that’s amazing! If not, no worries friend, you're not alone. My hope is that perhaps this episode can help you find a bit more clarity as you keep moving forward.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How Brent proposed (and why it’s relevant to the topic)
My own “whys” behind my health journey
Tips for digging deep to find your own mountain motivation
In this episode, I’m going to teach you a simple yet transformative concept that has completely changed my life and the way I approach nearly everything. I’m going to be teaching you the Think-Feel-Do Cycle, the foundation of mindset work.
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
How our thoughts shape our lives
The Think-Feel-Do Cycle and how it manifests
A journaling practice to help you practice thinking with intention
Getting started often feels like the hardest part of any journey, like standing at the base of a gigantic mountain thinking, “There is no way in heck I can ever make it to the top!” I’ve been there too and I feel you, but you, my friend, were born to climb!
In this episode, we’ll chat about:
Losing the drama to reframe your mindset for getting started
The truth about motivation, especially at the beginning
My 3 tips (the 3 S’s) for how to Climb at the start of your journey
In this episode you’ll get to know more about me, your host, Coach Kiah! We’ll chat about:
My early struggles with weight and body image
The moment that inspired me to take ownership of my health & try again with a different approach
My journey to losing 100+ pounds
How I accidentally became a life coach
& what inspired me to start this podcast!