Screw Your Goal Weight

My journey to health started with a goal weight - a mostly arbitrary number that sounded good, that came off of some chart that told me what someone my height should weigh. I assumed that reaching this magical number would finally give me the badge of health I could never confidently wear before.

Listen, I’m all about a good measurable goal, don’t get me wrong. But I think we end up fixating too much on this golden number of a goal weight and we end up missing what’s most important in the process.

What I’ve come to realize is that this health journey isn’t about a destination at all.


It’s not about reaching a goal weight. It’s not about waking up one morning and finally loving yourself because the scale says a certain number. It’s about the person you become through the process of choosing daily to love yourself and respect your body.

I’ve lost 123 pounds, and full disclosure, I still haven’t hit my magical goal weight. But I’m in love with the person I’ve become on this journey to get here, and what’s more, I’ve fallen in love with the process itself.

I’ve become the kind of person that takes ownership of my life and my choices instead of feeling like a victim to its circumstances. I’ve become someone that prioritizes her mental and physical health by making the time to do so. I choose to fuel and strengthen my body daily with whole, nutritious foods and movement. I spend my mornings with a cup of coffee and a gratitude journal to center myself in the things that matter most and remind myself of the goals I’m reaching for. I look forward to and enjoy the daily habits I’ve practiced in the process of becoming the happiest, healthiest version of me that I continuously strive to be.

And really, I think that the big secret - finding a process that you love. This health journey isn’t a “just for now” sort of thing, not if you want it to be sustainable and long term. It’s a total lifestyle shift that is meant to last, well, a lifetime. When there’s no destination on this never-ending journey to health, you better find a path that you enjoy along the way.

Screw your goal weight. Screw your fad diets. If you hate the process of becoming the best version of you, it’s time to pivot and find a new path forward, one that you won’t want to desperately derail from.

Not sure what that looks like or where to start? I’d love to walk you through it. Schedule a free consultation call and let’s chat!