Off the Wagon

You guys, we need to stop acting like we’re a bunch of extras in a John Wayne movie flying off the back of some sporadic, hypothetical wagon.

This journey has bumps, twists, turns, and potholes. There will be moments when you mess up. There will be times you slip back into old habits. There will be seasons where life gets in the way and it feels like the wagon carrying all your goals has up and left you in the dust.

But you haven’t fallen off any wagon. Instead of believing that you’ve been helplessly thrown off track, take ownership of the choices you’ve made and hold yourself accountable.

Like... hey Kiah, I know things have been stressful with work lately, but I don’t think looking in the pantry for relief is helping us reach our goals. Let’s go for a walk instead next time.

Or... hey Kiah, I know we didn’t eat the way we planned to while on vacation this weekend. Instead of letting that throw off our whole week, let’s start the week strong first thing in the morning.

Forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes, and decide on purpose to commit again. Making mistakes and getting off track doesn’t make you a failure, it makes you human. But you know what does make you a failure? Giving up all together.

It’s a choice to stay off, and it’s a choice to get back on. Right now is the perfect time to stand up, dust yourself off, and hop back on the damn wagon already. What’s stopping you?
