I Dare You

Ninety pounds down.

Kiah a year ago would be baffled, in complete shock that she could actually lose 90 pounds in less than a year.

Before I started my health journey, I was terrified of failing again and dreading how long it might take. But guys, I PROMISED myself that I would figure it out this time. No matter how long it took, I told myself I would not stop until I succeeded - no matter what.


Did you know that it took Thomas Edison thousands of attempts to invent the lightbulb? When asked what it felt like to fail so many times, he replied,

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.”

If you knew that every small failure was just another step closer to actually getting to your goal, what would you be willing to risk and put yourself out there for? If you knew you would succeed, what would you do?

Would you write that book you’ve been thinking about? Apply for that program you’ve been researching? Start that side hustle you’ve been dreaming of? Commit to losing the weight for good?

You might not get it right the first time, the second time, or the tenth time. But don’t confuse a speed bump for a road block. Failure doesn’t have to be your stopping point, let it be your greatest teacher along the way. Every mistake we make is merely a lesson we needed to learn in the process.

Don’t give up on yourself this time, I dare you.

MotivationKiah Twisselman