Be Afraid, and Do It Anyways

Less than a year ago I finally decided to stop letting my fear stop me. I’ve lost more than 97 pounds and I thank myself every single day for being afraid and showing up anyways.

I know you probably have doubts. Maybe you’re afraid it won’t work because it hasn’t in the past. Maybe you’re afraid you won’t be able to stick with it this time. Maybe you feel unsure what step to take next. Maybe you’re questioning your ability to make the right choices. Maybe you’re dreading how hard it might be or stressing about how long it could take. And hey, maybe you’re even afraid of what will happen if you don’t do anything at all.

It’s normal to be afraid of the things we aren’t sure of, but if you’re already uncomfortable with where you’re at, why not choose the discomfort of growth and progress instead? If you ask me, settling for the status quo just because you know it well and you’re afraid of the unknown is a crappy reason not to reach for more.

Be honest, what scares you more: deciding you’re ready to figure it out no matter what it takes or choosing to live the rest of your life wondering what if?

What if... I actually kept this promise to myself?
What if... I took baby steps and just stuck with it?
What if... I didn’t beat myself up when I made mistakes and gave myself permission to try again?
What if... I got out of my own way and stopped self-sabotaging?
What if... I accepted failure as part of the process and not a stopping point?
What if... I was BRAVE and willing to believe to my core that I could actually do it even when it scared me?

You owe it to yourself to decide not to let fear stop you this time. The best way to get over your fears is to face them head on. Take back your own power and say, “Hey fear. I see you, I feel you. But we can do this, even if it scares us.”

BE AFRAID, and do it anyways.
