More Than a Number

My health journey isn’t just about losing weight.

Yes, numbers on a scale are my biggest marker of progress, but in reality health is more about how I physically feel. Kiah a year ago couldn’t walk across the parking lot without feeling winded. She had anxiety every time she had to fly somewhere because she was terrified the seatbelt wouldn’t fit. She would dream of sky-diving, hiking Machu Picchu, wearing an actual bathing suit in public and immediately remove those thoughts because she knew her weight was a barrier keeping her from doing any of those things.

I want you to know this: your appearance or the number on a scale does NOT determine your self-worth. You, as you are right now today, is 100% worthy of love, joy, happiness, and all the goodness this life has to offer.

And while Kiah a year ago was just as worthy of love, joy, and happiness as Kiah today, I know that today’s version of myself has more mental and physical energy to show up, chase my dreams, and serve others. And THAT, my friends, is what my health journey is all about.

More than 90 pounds down and feeling better than ever!

More than 90 pounds down and feeling better than ever!