Behind the Scenes of Backroad Cowgirls with Court & Kiah

Today’s guest is a familiar one; she’s been on the show before and if you follow me on social media, you’ve seen a lot of her lately! I’m bringing back my partner-in-crime, Courtenay DeHoff, and today we’re talking about all things Backroad Cowgirls. We’ll give you a glimpse into what it looked like to be on the road for two weeks and some of the shenanigans we got into along the way. Season One of the Backroad Cowgirls is live on YouTube!

In this episode, we’ll chat about:

  • What Backroad Cowgirls is and how it came to be

  • Don’t wait until you’re ready, because you’ll never feel ready - just do the dang thing!

  • Challenges and wins from the two-week road trip

  • What’s next for the Backroad Cowgirls

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