Breadsticks & Empowered Choices

Can I be honest with you?

Going out to eat while trying to lose weight used to give me anxiety. Making healthy choices while being tempted by endless delicious options wasn’t exactly my strong suit.

Shortly after starting my health journey, we were invited to a birthday dinner for a friend at a local pizza joint. Going into it, I knew I would be tempted. I was really good at saying, “Treat yourself!” and justifying every poor decision, especially if there was a holiday or occasion to blame it on. In the past, I would have used this as an excuse to stray away from my healthy habits, letting myself indulge in whatever I wanted in the moment.

Instead, before dinner I did what I still do to this day, I planned ahead. Since I already knew the restaurant we were going to, I looked up the menu and decided that I was going to order a salad for dinner that night. Decision made.

Fast forward to that evening...


As we sat down and started visiting with our friends, the waitress came to take appetizer orders. Every single appetizer that was ordered for the table was bread-based. Hot fresh breadsticks are my kryptonite - I LOVE THEM. I could eat a basket full slathered with butter and marinara sauce. But, that night I did not plan to have any breadsticks.

I remember sitting there feeling so dang sorry for myself. I sat there letting my mind spiral, thinking things like, “I wish I could just eat these foods like a normal person. I wish I didn’t have to follow these stupid diet rules. I don’t get to enjoy this birthday dinner as much as everyone else, I’m missing out. Maybe eating one breadstick wouldn’t be so bad.” While everyone else was enjoying each other’s company, I was quietly and internally wallowing in my own self pity.

I resisted and honored my commitment, passing on the appetizers and ordering a salad for dinner instead. And guess what… I survived!

It wasn’t until afterwards that I had a realization. Instead of letting my mind focus on thoughts that victimized myself to “diet rules,” a more helpful and true thought I could have had instead was, “I am making an empowered choice to honor my decision to eat a salad tonight, not because I CAN’T have bread, but because my long term goals are more important to me than the instant gratification of hot, fresh breadsticks.”


Same circumstance. Different thought. Entirely different feeling.

The first thought made me feel like crap, like I was missing out on something. The second thought made me feel proud and empowered that I was honoring a commitment to myself!

Because the truth is, I don’t have anything against bread. I don’t think we should fear any foods at all. My approach to dieting is that I CAN have whatever I want, but I get to make EMPOWERED CHOICES to plan on how to fuel my body best with balance and moderation.

Some moments it just takes reminding myself of that, taking total ownership, not only of my actions, but also of my thoughts that influence them. I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again and again and again - the most important and powerful part of this whole health journey is our mindset.

You are not a victim to this world. You are not a victim to your circumstances. You are not a victim to diet rules. This is your life, take ownership of it and start making EMPOWERED CHOICES on how to live it.

Needing a little help setting your intentions? Make sure to download my Weekly Plan & Journal template to start planning your empowered choices ahead of time.

Sending all my love and encouragement your way,
