But What Will "THEY" Think?

Do you feel that, friend?

The beat of your heart pounding in your chest? The air expanding your lungs and blood rushing through your veins? That’s the gift of LIFE pulsing through you!

Are you really going to let your fear of what “someone” else *might* think about you stop you from embracing it? From living it fully? From doing the things that truly bring you joy?

I did for a LONG time.

I didn’t wear shorts or skirts, anything that showed my knees, fearful that “they” would be disgusted by my chubby legs. I refused to wear swim suits, worried “they” might whisper about the beached whale on her towel. I didn’t dance in public the same way I did in my kitchen, afraid “someone” might laugh and point fingers as my body jiggled around. I assumed that “they” would look down on me at the gym and judge how slow I was if I went for a run. I held myself back so “they” couldn’t hurt me.

But wait... Who the heck are “they” anyway?

Truth be told, I was so afraid of what these unnamed people *might* think of me that it never occurred to me that the only person actually thinking any of these things was just ME

I was creating stories in my mind, projecting my own insecurities onto everyone outside of me, instead of focusing on whose opinion matters most - my own. Nobody else was hurting me or holding me back, I was doing it to myself.

Stop burdening yourself with the worry of “their” opinion. Whoever “they” are, I can assure you, their thoughts and opinions are none of your dang business. The real question is - what do YOU think of yourself?


Wear the damn shorts. 

Put on the bikini.

Let the sun touch your skin.

Belt out your favorite song.

Dance wildly and freely.

Let “them” stare if they please.

Let “them” think what they want.

When you get to the end of this gift called life, I can guarantee that you won’t look back and be grateful for all the times you held yourself back for the fear of someone else’s judgment. You’ll just be so dang grateful that you stopped giving your power away to the thoughts and opinions of others, learned to love and accept yourself just as you are, so that you could cherish this gift of time and truly live.

Let’s start living, shall we?

Cheering for you always,
