5 Ways to Romanticize Your Life

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As a dreamer, I tend to get caught up in the future, dreaming of big bold audacious dreams for my life. It’s great, but constantly living in the future has a tendency to steal my attention from being present in the moment. Aware of that pitfall, one of my guideposts for this year has been to romanticize my life. Not the one I’m creating for myself in the future, but the one I’m living in right here and now.

The 5 Ways to Romanticize Your Life are:

  • Reflect back on the growth you’ve already experienced to root yourself in gratitude for where you are.

  • Taking an intentional moment to tune into all five senses: smell, touch, sight, taste, sound

  • Create a meaningful and nostalgic playlist that represents your life in this season

  • Capture memories and make mini documentaries

  • Asking yourself in real time, “What am I going to miss about this season one day when it’s over?”

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How do I build self-confidence? Will losing weight finally make me happy? How do I break free of self-shame and diet culture? What does self-love even mean? How do I create a lifestyle I actually love and pursue the dreams on my heart?

Welcome to Climbing with Coach Kiah, a podcast where we dive deep to answer these questions and more!

Tune in for honest and open conversations with host Kiah Twisselman Burchett and featured guests to chat about mindset, health, self-love, body image, chasing your dreams, and so much more.